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Ustav na prekretnici

U januaru 2011. godine Komitet pravnika za ljudska prava – YUCOM odlučio je da se ponovo uključi u nastojanja za pronalaženje najpogodnijih rešenja za najavljene promene Ustava usvojenog 2006. godine, kao i da obeleži pet godina od usvajanja Ustavnog teksta. Inicijalna ideja se pr-venstveno odnosila…

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Does Economics Really Benefit from Daylight Saving Time?
In this article, we try to throw light on who really benefits from daylight saving time and why it should be…

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About Us

Our company was established 7 years ago as a small think-tank of ambitious people who wanted to change the world for better. Since that time our team grew rapidly as more and more amazing people joined us and our initiatives. Today we are a big team of people who are eager to improve the life of every single sitizen. And we already do.

Our team of professionals has a huge professional experience in law, politics, and business. We are all united under one common goal — to help people as much as we can. We will provide you with the right information and advise on problems you may encounter. We offer you the best profitable projects and startups. Come and see with your own eyes.

We strongly believe that our story will motivate other people to be more active and goal-oriented. Here, at RightWay, we are fully dedicated to the problems we solve and try to foresee all the consequences of our decisions. Join us now to get valuable experience and useful knowledge. We want to guide you on a right way in life.

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