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The suspension of the work of the Inquiry Committee is a displacement of dialogue on the suppression of violence from institutions

This is an act of extreme violence against the institution of the National Assembly, since the decision was reversed without the MPs being granted the opportunity to make a decision, all in order to suspend the work of the Inquiry Committee in connection with the crimes of May 3 and 4, that is, so that the government would avoid the risk of political responsibility, related to the explosion of violence in society, becoming more visible through the work of that parliamentary body.

The decision to establish the Inquiry Committee, which was adopted by 193 MPs of the National Assembly by voting in the plenum, is now being trampled by a nameless press release. That decision can only be waived by MPs in a re-vote.

The government is hiding behind the pain of the families of the murdered children, ignoring the fact that, until now, the families of the victims from Malo Orašje and Dubona have not demanded that the work of the Inquiry Committee be suspended.

This usurpation of the National Assembly is another testament to the fact that the institutions that should be the pillars of the system generate violence instead of fighting it.

Due to these circumstances, we invite you to a press conference that will be held on Saturday, July 22, at 10 a.m. at Envoy Conference Centre (Gospodar Jevremova 47).

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